Friday, April 20, 2007

Preschool at the Arnold's

Preschool has begun at the Arnold household. Ashton has a Leapster game that requires you to know letters and shapes to play it. I get so frustrated because the game is for 3 year olds but most 3 year olds don't know their letters. He knows his shapes but not letters. So I am taking this opportunity to teach him his letters. He is so excited to learn the letter A because it is in his name. I figure we could do a week on the letter A. Check out his first piece of school work. I was shocked. The little 5 minute lesson went rather easy and then we played letter match games.


Mandy said...

way ta go, Ashtan! I do some letter work with Carter... but I don't expect him to 'know' them until closer to age 4. Madison knew A-Z before she hit 4 (by sight and could write them all) but I don't know that I can see Carter sitting still long enough at that age to learn them all lol! His poor future teachers... ;)

Sugar-n-Spice said...

you know i love it! my favorite thing about home schooling is how short of time it really takes! they can learn so much so quickly if it's set at their pace, and to peek their interest.....of course there are still times they just have to sit through something they hate (math for kynlee).

McDreamy said...

yea ashton! and yea mama!
i love it!
he (and you!) are doing so good!

Greg said...

I saw your post about your dad. Would you like to contribute a story to my new book about father-daughter relationships? Details are on my page. Thanks!

Gregory E. Lang