Monday, January 29, 2007

Mr. Fishy

We bought a beta but it died. We are going to get another one this weekend. I think Mr. Fishy would have made it but he fell out of his tank when Michael nearly hit a SUV in the parking lot. I cried! Not only did I loose a fish, but everything in the floor board got wet. This included our meals from McDonald's that were just bought. The bottom fell out of the bag and there went the food. Everything was saved but one medium french fry. I guess we could say it is a good thing we only lost a fish and french fries. It could have been the truck.

It finally happened. My legs and feet have become swollen. I thought I was going to get out of it. They don't hurt much but just look big. If you have any pointers for swollen legs let me know.

We had a great time in Jonesboro. Ashton had a blast. He was able to dress up in a velcro suit and jump and stick to a wall. He loved it. I got to shop for Kaylee without the guys. It was so much fun. I have not done that in a while.

It finally happened my legs and feet are swollen. I think the shopping at the mall didn't help matters any.


K.T. is Mommatude said...

I dont know why,but I always had the worst trouble keeping betas alive????
When I was preg. with Kendall I would lay down with my back on the floor and prop my feet up on the wall as high as they would go and keep them there for 15-20 minutes.It worked!

Anonymous said...

lou, i am so not laughing at you but that story about the fish was hilarious. fish are funny around here too. hang in there with the swollen feet. no fun at all when you feel like your body might actually explode from the pressure.

did you go back for more food?

Sugar-n-Spice said...

i'm with kristi! you cracked me up! i was laughing so hard the girls wanted to know the story! :)....i think it's funny because we've all been there...i cried when i was pregnant with karis because i couldn't get in the bathtub...we had a big tub and i couldn't lift my legs high enough to get in! :)
hang in there...and eat some's a natural diuretic...helps your body get rid of the extra fluid.

McDreamy said...

i loved the fish story. and i know it sounds terrible, but i loved that you cried - i would've SO done the same thing!
my feet and hands are swelling too, now - i can't fit into my only pair of black shoes and my wedding ring is getting tight. good grief. that's what i say!