Sunday, September 17, 2006

Hoping for the wrong things

Have you ever hoped for material things and thought they would make your life better? I have answered yes to this question more times than I would like to admit.

If I only owned my own home, how great life would be. This is my worst dreams and hopes that I have. It haunts me over and over again, to the point of depression. Should I really let this take over my life like it does? Sometimes I wish I could be like Michael and window shop. It hurts because I really want the house so bad. He always tells me that our time will come. It just is not coming fast enough for me. I want to be settled with my own fenced in back yard for my kids and dogs to play.

After listening to Jeff's sermon, I undertand that this hope is consuming me. I just need to put faith in God. After all he knows what he is doing, he has the plan already written out. I know that this is hard to understand. I often get depressed and scared to give it all to him. That lack of control in my life bothers me. I am continuing to work on giving it over to him and be less of a control freak in my life.


Mandy said...

Lou I can sympathize. We lived in a REALLY awful trailor before we were able to buy this house. We lived in a two bedroom, one bathroom, probably 500sqft (or less.. probably less) trailor with no a/c that was infested with bugs, roaches, and the last few months we were there, mice!! We had two kids there.. it was miserable. We lived there for 5 years!! I swear I thought God was never ever going to deliver us from that place.. but he did. Would I want to go back and relive that journey? NO! But, in all honesty, I don't think we could appreciate the house and things God's given us now without enduring that like we did. God does have a plan.. and TRUST ME... I totally understand the sucky part of waiting on him to make things happen. ;)

Sugar-n-Spice said...

let me add from a completely different view point. for 7 years tj and i dreamed of building our home, and finally did it. i'm not saying we didn't love it, we did. but it wasn't worth it. i think maybe we HAD to have it, to know we didn't have to have it. clear as mud? its true. i still want something that we own, i understand that desire, but be smart and take your time. . .you're on the right track!

K.T. is Mommatude said...

We are at that same point.We do not own our own home either.We are saving and getting our credit in order so we can buy our own home.My biggest dream as of right now.Nothing fancy but I would like it to be in a good neighborhood.So I can empathize.

Anonymous said...

ask and ye shall receive. it's okay to want things that are good. a house is a good thing, don't you think? it's a place to make memories, raise a family, have friends and family over for supper or an x-mas keeps you warm and dry in the winter and cool in the summer. some folks call a cardboard box home and have no ambitions to ever have anything more, some live in tents and want what you want, a house to call home. it's not a sin to want your family to be safe and sound in the home you provide them. the lord helps those who help themselves. so pick up a house magazine and start your journey. believe it or not, good people live in houses too:) owning a home isn't wrong, it's smart money. just ask donald trump about realty. profit is not a dirty word and you'll make lot's of it when you sell your first home. some people even make a living out of their homes doing daycare or whatever else they think of. just ask the owner of got his start out of his garage! not to shabby. now he donates millions to chairities, a personal dream of mine one day.