Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Spring Break Woes

Spring Break is here. What am I doing? NOTHING! I have been sick just about all week. Just ready for a baby to pop out.

Have you ever been in a state where everything irritates you? The noise of the air conditioner is a bother. Your son touching you. I know it has to be hormones, but you feel so bad and depressed because all you are doing is yelling and sleeping. You feel as if you are not spending enough time with your own child.

You are hot, your husband is cold. I am running the air conditioner on like 60 because I am having temperature problems while he sits at the computer covered in a quilt.

This has to be over soon. When will the cruel joke be over and a miracle be placed in my arms?

1 comment:

K.T. is Mommatude said...

It will be soon...hang in there...:)