Sunday, May 27, 2007

Don't Laugh At Me

Why do we look at children who are different funny?

You would expect stares from children. They don't know any better. Stares from adults are another story. In my short teaching span, I have seen adults, even teachers give these stares. It is very disturbing to me. Sometimes, I make excuses for them, such as they are not around it like I was. (I have lived with an autistic sister all my life.)
There is really no excuse!

I encourage you to listen to this song. It brings tears to me every time I listen to it. I can just hear children, like my sister, saying this.


Shelley said...

I understand completely, my nephew is autistic, and children accept that way faster than adults, and they LEAVE IT ALONE and don't stare. Anyone over 4 feet tall seems to have to lock eyes on him for at least 10 minutes.
My friend Rosjuane's son, Garret, has to wear a corrective helmet. She is getting a taste of people's rudeness as well.
Some people are so inconsiderate.

K.T. is Mommatude said...

That song makes me cry everytime........