Saturday, August 05, 2006

Poor Michael

Poor Michael! He has to deal with all the pregnancy hormones. I don't really get sick from being pregnant. I just become very irritable. Nothing will go right. No matter how much you do the same thing, when you become pregnant it just doesn't work. I got mad just putting together a bulletin board. I just could not get it right. Thank goodness, Michael was there to the rescue.

Well, I am in 5 weeks of pregnancy. Everything is going great. I have not been sick just very tired. As long as I eat, I am fine. I was that way with Ashton too. I can't wait to start getting my paychecks in, so I can go to the doctor and get everything checked out.

Well, I must go and cook supper for my lovely children (Ashton and Michael).


K.T. is Mommatude said...

LOL I never feel sorry for my husband....It'll be allright.

Mandy said...

I understand! I felt bad for clayton when I was pg with carter.. man I felt insane those first several months! (I was actually concerned and talked to my OB/GYN about it!!) Good news, at least for me, was towards the middle and end of the pg I went from being mad all of the time to just crying over everything.. which was easier for Clayton to deal with! ;) Hooray for still no puking!

Brandi said...

I have been out of pocket for so long that I am missing all of the great info. I completely understand the hormone thing. I was so tired with Riley that I literally couldn't get myself out of bed and I really disliked everyone in the near vacinity(is that right? Oh well!).