Sunday, August 13, 2006


Wow! Was the sermon for me today? Praying, what a big downfall in my life. Yes, I pray. When do I pray? When something goes wrong in my life. I never go to him when everything is going great. This is such a shame. God is suppose to be my friend. Why can't I talk to him when things are going great? It just doesn't make sense.

My prayer life was broken the day my Mom died. I was told if I pray every day God would answer them. Being twenty-one, I didn't want her to die. What would I do without my Mom? So I selfishly prayed to God that he would not take her from. I guess this is when my hating God came in. Here he took my Mom away. I later learned that he didn't do it to hurt me.

With Dad it was a different story. I prayed that God will do what his will is. I didn't want him to die, but there must be a reason. I even prayed for him to take him because I didn't want him to suffer.

My prayer life has gotten stronger since Dad got sick with pancreatic cancer, but it is not where it needs to be. I still often only go to God when I am in a crunch and need him. I am in constant battles with making myself pray or finding the time to do it when I am alone and have no disruptions.


Mark W. said...

Whoa -quick post on Sunday's sermon! I was thinking of blogging on prayer after today too, but (like last week's) you've already given some good heartfelt thoughts on the subject.

Today's sermon reminded me of a story I heard once about two ministers who thought themselves really "spiritual" because one of them prayed for a full hour before bed each night and the other prayed for two hours before bed each night! There was a third minister who always seemed even more spirital, and was, in fact, the person they both respected the most. They decided to stake out his bedroom window and spy on him one night, just waiting to see how long HE prayed. As they were watching, this third minister came into his bedroom, got into bed, turned off the light, said, "g'night God," and went to sleep.

The moral of the story: actual minutes ticking by with us in prayer is not the real test of a close relationship with God. The third, and truly most spiritual minister, was simply "in-touch" with God and talked to him regularly, as a friend; thus, there was no need for extended bedtime prayer marathons.

Just think what satisfaction one could have if one were close enough to God to remember to say "good night" and "good morning" to Him each day because His presence was such an integral and intimate part of daily living. I guess, to me, that's a prayer life worth striving for...and we all have time for that.

Mandy said...

Lou, I've actually found that the closer to God I was, the less I 'prayed' and the more I just talked and tried to listen. I totally agree with what the others have said. It's important to pray.. but you might talk to God a lot more than you actually bow your head.

Kristy said...

Lou, so glad to hear what the sermon was about since I was out with the kiddos. I've often struggled with this same issue. It's reassuring to hear I'm not the only one. :) Thanks for another great post!

Sugar-n-Spice said...

wow, lou! what a great post. i was hit square between the eyes sun. as well. its amazing to me how pegged i sometimes feel after jeff teaches. this sunday the thought even crossed my mind that jeff was thinking of me specifically when he made some of the comments. but the most amazing thing is, it wasn't jeff, it was god. god was thinking of you and me when he was preparing jeff's heart for sunday. i love how god talks to us!