Friday, June 08, 2007

Sissy's Going Get Sick

I keep both kids out from day care today. Kaylee had to go to the health department to get her shots and I was trying to get on WIC. Ashton wanted to go so he could hold sissy's hand while she was getting a shot. He thought it would help. I gave in because I didn't want to crush his feelings.
We load up the car and get to the clinic. Our appointment was changed. Didn't know that. They called Michael and do you think he gave me that message. NOPE!!! So we have been rescheduled till next Wednesday.
As we are leaving, Ashton throws the biggest fit. I thought it was just a normal fit like he throws when he has to leave church or anybody's house. It wasn't because usually by the time we make it to the car he stops. Not this time. He was about to drive me nuts. He screamed most of the way home. When he calmed down and was only crying a little, I asked him what was wrong. He said that sissy didn't see the doctor and she was going to get sick. I forgot that I explained to him that shots weren't bad that they would keep sissy from getting sick. This just goes to show that Big Brother does care for Little Sister.


K.T. is Mommatude said...

That is so sweet!!!He does think about wonderful!

Shelley said...

this is probably just the beggining of raising a protective older brother!