We had a great time at camp. The one thing that we brought back from camp was that we must find a devotional for our family. We learned that your family is of the upmost importance. If anyone knows of a good devo for 3 years old please let me know. Ashton asks a lot of questions and is very interested. Everything we have found is over his head.
Here are a few pictures from camp.
You guessed it. This is the evil grin. Ashton has taken Blessing's car.
Playing Connect Four by himself. Actually he just likes putting all the pieces in there and then watching them fall out.
Second year of Family Camp and they finally get along. (Picture taken from Jeff)
Yes, the Arnold's won something. We may not win anything that deals with physical endurance, but we can Flashlight Morse Code with the best of them.
We are trying to teach him to ride the big boy bikes, but you have to take small steps.
I never saw Kaylee the whole time at camp. Someone else always had her.
Ashton left camp with an adrenaline rush. He climb a big tall telephone pole and zip lined to the ground. That is right my 3 year old rode a zip line from about 70 feet in the air. He has no fear. Ashton wants to thank Jeff for saving him. He told me we had to buy him a Christmas present for the save.
Ashton is my hero :)
lots of great memories! i'm so glad our 2 rivals have become friends! :) now if i could just get blessing to stop running!
Thats pretty cool!He is one awesome dude,Ashton is!
oh boy, Christmas is only 6 months!!! xbox 360 or Plasma TV... or anything Mac. I'm not picky!
Tell Ashton he's MY hero!!!
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