Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Just one of Those Days

I feel like Brandy does when she post about her doctor's appoint visits. I just want to cry like Ashton is in this picture.

Today was my appointment for WIC sense it was canceled last Friday. I didn't know that until I went for the appointment. A phone call would have been nice. Below is a short synopsis of the morning.

7:30 Take Michael to work

7:45 Drop the kids off at day care

7:50 Go home and pick up WIC papers that I left

8:10 Arrive at DHS for appointment at 8:30

8:12 Go to pick up kids. (Didn't know that had to be there since Friday I mentioned I had a workshop at 9am and could just walk right over to the Co-op. You would think the secretary would have caught that and said you have to bring the children.)

8:20 Arrive back at DHS (though I did good I was still early for the appointment)

8:30 Kaylee screaming for a bottle and Ashton wild as a goose

8:45 still waiting and thinking I will never make it to the workshop....text Michael to come over and take the kids back when they are finished with the appointment.

9:00 the waiting room begins to fill...still have not been called back...text Michael again to give him the update and hoping for a response with words of encouragement..WORKSHOP STARTED

9:15 nurse walks through front door...really hoping that is not the nurse that was suppose to be at my appointment at 8:30....15 MINUTES INTO MY WORKSHOP

9:20 still not called back...students from my class were there so I talked them...Ashton is jumping off the seats....Kaylee is crying because I didn't bring her paci or more formula from the day care....(I honestly thought I would be done or at least been seen)..20 MINUTES INTO MY WORKSHOP...text Michael again with an update and to tell him to come and help

9:30 finally called back and yes the nurse that walked in at 9:15 was the nurse that I was all the kids measurements and mine...pricked Ashton in the finger to check for hemoglobins (He was such a trooper. I told him that it would not hurt. All he said was OUCH)....find out I have to have one (talk about nervous..I knew it would hurt)....text Michael to see where he is at....30 MINUTES INTO MY WORKSHOP

9:50 moved to another room to see what we are lacking in our diets....text Michael again.....50 MINUTES INTO MY WORKSHOP

10:00 Michael calls to find out where I am because he needs the car...his phone's battery was dead....ONE HOUR INTO MY WORKSHOP

10:30 finally all the paperwork was complete....1 HOUR & 30 MINUTES INTO MY WORKSHOP...finally get dropped off and Michael takes the kids back to day care and he is off to class (30 MINUTES LATE FOR CLASS)

After the whole 2 hours, we did receive WIC. Kaylee will get her formula and Ashton and I will get lots of other things.

My day would have been great, but of course the chaos did not stop there.

10:35 arrive at the workshop

11:30 break for lunch...pile into co-workers vehicle...that's right it was dead...the car would not have to start

11:45 guy from Monticello Exxon arrives to replace the battery

12:00 off to eat

12:10 arrive at City Drug

12:15 get our order taken

12:20 Michael arrives and orders

12:25 our food arrives and we eat...Michael is still waiting for his

12:45 time to be back...finally get to pay...Michael is still waiting for his food

12:50 we leave...Michael is still waiting...I hope that he got his food but I don't know

1:00 arrive back at the workshop.....15 MINUTES LATE

2:00 workshop is over...get ride to Monticello School District to get my car.....THE CAR WAS guessed it Michael has the keys and his phone is dead...there was no getting in touch with him.

2:20 arrive at home and am now blogging about my crazy day



Sugar-n-Spice said...

am i allowed to laugh? big smiles...mostly because i'm just glad i'm not the only one!

Anonymous said...

oh, i'm truly trying not to cry. i know that feeling. that sinking feeling. oh. i'm SO sorry.

Shelley said...

when it rains it pours is such an understatement

K.T. is Mommatude said...

Oh my goodness.....I feel ya.Daily.Daily.

Randi said...

rdLove it...i feel bad for ya. Mama said there'd be days like that. Hope your weekend is much better. Your workshop was probably boring anyway.