Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Clay Crosse and Sunday's Blog

I am so amazed at seeing God working in Monticello. I never realized that me analyzing my life and putting it out there for all to read could make a difference. I guess that was God's purpose.

For about 10 years, I have been drawn to the music of Clay Crosse. Listening to his music has brought me through many difficult times. God had placed his music in my life so long ago. I never realized why I have been drawn to his music but I have. I just wish I could meet this guy. Every time he comes to the area something comes up and I never get to go.

The very first song I heard from he was "He Walked A Mile." This song has touched me and still does. Below are the lyrics to the song. Just reading it does something to me.

Before the threads of time began
was pre-ordained a mighty plan
that is should walk with him alone
the chords of trust unbroken
but the fate foresaw my wanderin' eye
that non could yet restrain
to violate the friendship I
would cause so much pain

And every time I close my eyes
I see the nail,
I hear the cries
He did not keep Himself away
He was not stranger to my pain
He walked a mile in my shoes

He walked a mile
feet so dusty cracked with heat
but carried on by love's heartbeat
a man of sorrows filled with grief
Forgiveness was His anthem
No feeble blow from tongue or pen
could ever sway by love for him
Across the echoed hills He trod
and reached into my world

And every time I close my eyes
I see the nail,
I hear the cries
He did not keep Himself away
He was not stranger to my pain
He walked a mile in my shoes

To me this song basically placed a picture into my head of what Jesus went through. I know I could never imagine the pain he went through for me. If anyone would go through that for people that have not even met, isn't it worth the chance to get to know him. Jesus truly cares for us and is always willing to take us back.

Anyone who has not heard Clay Crosse should. He is truly a remarkable guy. I feel kind of attached to him because his family went through some of the same things that my family has. Clay was addicted to pornography and finally confessed to his wife. Guess what God has brought Clay and his family to glory and using them to help others, like me. You ought to read his book about his struggles with pornography. He shows his view and his wife. It help Michael and I during our time. We could both picture what each other were thinking. It saved my marriage.

Check out his site.


You can purchase his music and book at this site if you like.

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