Thursday, July 20, 2006

Heat Stroke Waiting to Happen

Who rides their bike on a day that is over a 100 degrees? That is right someone very stupid. THE ARNOLD'S. We decided to ride our bike about 7:00 pm. Ashton was cranky and usually riding the bike puts him to sleep. Great idea. (Needless to say, Ashton is still awake.) So we ride our bikes to Suzanne's to meet those crazy people going outside to play in 100 degree weather. So Ashton got off the bike and played and we got water. Like I said it was hot. It was great riding over there. Then you have to start thinking you have to make the same trip home. You came on bikes, you must leave on bikes. So we pedaled home. It was great until you got to the giant hills. I would like to say that I won't do it again, but I would being lying. I loved it. Next time I may wear shorts instead of blue jeans.


Becky said...

I just bought a bike because I'm planning on riding 100 miles on October 1st to celebrate both the opening of the new pedestrian bridge between Little Rock and North Little Rock and my 30th birthday. Needless to say, I have also been riding in 100 degree heat...only in the afternoon! Insanity, but it's so fun. Luckily my nephews go with me for company (they are eight and I cannot keep up with them and have to beg them to slow down).

Lou Arnold said...

My husband two years ago rode with a group from Jonesboro to Bryant. It was exciting we had the State Police escorting us through town. They went about 40 miles a day and stopped and did mission along the way.

McDreamy said...

oh, now, the 100 degree heat at 7:30 is much better than the 110 degree heat at 1pm.
you know we're the ones to drop in on, we're always doing something crazy.
except bike riding - i have too many attachments currently to actually do that! :)
we loved the pop in!

Diana Harton said...

Hey...tell Michael he is to good looking to keep his face hidden behind all of that hair. I just now noticed the picture of him you have on your page. I would not have known him.

Mandy said...

you're so brave, Lou! I would never attempt to bike ride in that heat! :P