Thursday, July 13, 2006

Lift Your Husband Up

Last night was small group. We talked more about changing our ways and not our husbands. It is great to be around a bunch of women that are going or have gone through the same things that I have.

The picture above reminds me of how I feel some times about Michael. I get so aggrevated about things he doesn't do, like cleaning the house. There are days that I just want to vacumn him up and forget about him. I feel that I could make it on my own without him taking up space. It is sad that I feel this way a lot.

From small group, I have learned that I need to change myself. I can't make him be my fantasy husband. He is who he is. I have also learned that I must lift him up. I shouldn't talk down on him. I don't have a problem with this most of the time. I will talk him up to anyone, except him. I never tell him what great joy he brings to my life. Since I know that he reads my blog, I am going to write a few of the great things about him that I love. Sorry if it gets sappy. I am really going to be working at telling him what a great job he has done.

Michael, I love you because....
  1. You have brought great joy to my life.
  2. You saved me from a corrupt world that I was heading for.
  3. You took care of my Dad for me to finish school.
  4. You bought me the Razr because you knew I wanted it bad.
  5. You make me laugh.
  6. You are a great mechanic.
  7. You cook me eggs, because I can't cook eggs to save my life.
  8. You also cook me grill cheese sandwiches because I burn them.
  9. You put up with all my griping. I don't know why but you have.
  10. You are always willing to go on a road trip with no planning.
  11. You wash my hair because I love for you to massage my scalp.
  12. You love to grill.
  13. You taught me how to drive a standard.
  14. You do without to provide me with my wants.
  15. You are such a gadget geek.
  16. You are very artistic.
  17. You love reading up on celebrity gossip with me.
  18. You can rig up anything to work.
  19. You are great with kids.
  20. You are interested in my career choice.
  21. You make fun of me because I like to eat frozen weiners.
  22. You are scared of pschological thrillers, and I get to hold you through those movies.
  23. You care enough to put up with Wal-Mart so we can have some extra cash.
  24. You are so intelligent when it comes to computers.
  25. You will live in South Arkansas and not move to Little Rock because I don't want to live there.
  26. You put up with my family teasing you.
  27. You were blamed for running of the street sign in my Dad's brand new truck and it was me.
  28. You are willing to help anyone at the drop of a dime.
  29. You are not scared of heights.
  30. You wore a cowboy hat for me once. You were a sexy cowboy.
  31. You took me to see Willie Nelson and you hate country.
  32. You are so low maintanence.
  33. You don't like casserole because you were ruined by church potlucks...I hate to make casseroles.
  34. You will eat at Ameca any time that I want even though it messes your tummy up.
  35. You got me an iPod so I could listen to music on the way to work.
  36. You will wash my car just because you want to.
  37. You are constantly trying to turn me into a Mac person.
  38. You don't like to look at clowns. I think that is so cute.
  39. You will fart in front of me and laugh and also show me your amazing poops before you flush them.
  40. You will rub my back at night with no strings attached.
  41. You cry during movies...(you probably didn't want me to say that)..but you don't do it often...just when someone dies.
  42. You love to take computers apart and then put them back together.
  43. You will read to Ashton.
  44. You love to work on sound and it drives you nuts not to be back there working on it at Journey.
  45. Your hate for Panic at the Disco.
  46. You can't dance and step on my feet when we do.
  47. You don't mind going to the laundry mat and wash clothes with me.
  48. You love to be around me and we do everything together.
  49. You are being patient till we have money so you can get some new glasses because you break and fall off your face.
  50. You don't mind hanging out with me and my friends on your day off.
Fifty will do for now. I am sure I could come up with 50 more. Michael means the world to me and I would not trade him for anything. I will work on trying to compliment him more to his face.


Anonymous said...

*sniff* that was so touching. You know what? You smell that? That is the smell of LOVE! That nasty green fog, thats love too. I'm rurrnt from Ameca I could melt the paint off the walls. Anyway, I love you, I'm glad I can make you happy, sometimes. :D

K.T. is Mommatude said...

Wow!That was really revealing,it is great that you can come up with 50 things you love about your husband on the spot!

Mark W. said...

I vacuum, but there's noooo way I'm cooking eggs! (too messy) Sounds like you've got a great catch. Very sweet post! Maybe he'll have a better day at work tomorrow because of it too!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if I could come up with 50 things I like about Michael? Anyway, great post. I usually learn something about you or Michael that I didn't know when I read your entries. ;-)

Mandy said...

Very sweet, Lou! Not sappy at all, it's what we should do for our men.. our respect is what they really crave, and to hear that we think so much of them builds them up greatly! I should write a list like this from me to Clayton, just for him :)

Kevin Stoxe said...

Hey!!!!! Just reading through the mushy list of your husband, and I saw that he would be interested in helping with the sound !!! That's great!!!! He can !!!! Matt has gotten burned out on it, and if Mike H. continues to do it week after week, he too will probably get burned out on it. We really need more people to alternate week after week, on top of that, if he is a natural ( which I'm guessing he is), the praise band really needs someone with an ear for this, who can mix it to make us sound perfect like we are !!!! I will tell Mike and the Praise Band to recruit him for the future !!!!